Mid America Implants and Oral Surgery

Dr. Reza Movahed
O'Fallon, Illinois
swift – technology -  St. Louis Dental Office Solutions

When Dr. Movahed decided to open his O’Fallon, IL practice, patient comfort was at the forefront of the decision-making process. Specializing in Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Joint Disorders, Corrective and Dentoalveolar Surgery, Dr. Movahed provides focused services with a broad goal: to improve every patient’s quality of life. With 6 closed surgical treatment rooms, each suite is sized to provide an open feel and plenty of space to maneuver the Trios digital impression machine, accommodate dual, side-by-side 24” monitors, and room for multiple clinicians for educational purposes. The space provides 3 recovery rooms, a consultation room and large staff lounge.